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    The success of any business depends heavily on the effectiveness of its managers. Bad managers exist in every organization. The worst managers fail to trust employees, don't respect them, and intimidate them. Bad managers cause unnecessary stress in the workplace and are a major cause of reduced productivity and performance. Ultimately, not everyone is management material.  

    Here Are Some Traits Of A Bad Manager:

    1.  A Bad Manager is Arrogant

    Arrogant employers are poor performers who create stress for others and their behavior is likely to create a negative atmosphere in the office. If you encounter such an employer, there are ways to work so you can avoid them.


    An arrogant manager is less likely to welcome or solicit feedback and is likely to keep subordinates in a helpless position as they have authority over their promotions or opportunities. A bad manager is also much less likely to offer mentoring or coaching, leading to a less-developed team. 

    2.  A Bad Manager Gives Unclear Instructions

    Most often, bad managers who are always in a rush will bark out one or two lines of instruction when much more is needed. They provide instructions with insufficient detail or a lack of background information, making employees give substandard work or results.


     It always pays for managers to be slow and careful in the delivery of instructions, rather than rushing and becoming irritated when things aren’t done properly.

    3.  A Bad Manager is Always Critical

    A constant critic is a real drain on a company’s energy and creativity, as it is always easy to criticize. This bad manager’s attitude will keep people working within very narrow guidelines and discourages any attempt by people to reach out and offer new solutions to problems.


    When a manager is very critical and doesn’t allow others to suggest or contribute to the company, a lot of people will find working with such a character unhealthy and stifling creativity

    Every manager should be careful to acknowledge the effort and good work.

    4.  A Bad Manager is Too Friendly

    Managers must build positive, friendly working relationships with those that work for them, but it’s also important to make sure they don’t fall into the trap of being so friendly that managing the team becomes difficult.


    If someone behaves poorly at work or is not performing their role effectively, then the manager needs to be able to address this properly. If the relationship with the employee compromises the manager’s ability to do this, then it has become too personal. Although likable, this manager will struggle to maintain full control of the team.


    Coping With Bad Manager:

    After identifying the traits of bad managers, you need to take the necessary steps of how to deal with such a character to avoid escalating it.

    Sometimes, employees have to develop a coping mechanism to counter bad behaviors from their managers.


    Below Are Ways You Can Cope With A Bad Manager:-

    1.  Support Their Success: Work around their weaknesses

    The manager becoming successful at work depends on the collaborative effort of his team that helps achieve those goals. There is nothing to gain by making the manager appear awful in the eyes of other employees. Exposing his incompetence will only compound your misery and may even damage your reputation and the company.   

    One way is to help your boss focus on his natural strengths. Another is to proactively work around his weaknesses. If you know you have a disorganized boss, then help him to be on top of things rather than whining about his lack of organizational skills. 

    2.  Know Their Preferences: Adapt To Them

    You can start by observing your manager's behavioral style and preferences.  It can help you adapt his style and spare a lot of his outbursts.  Working with his preferences is an obvious way of managing your boss without his ever knowing it, and it’s a key leadership skill to develop regardless of the kind of boss you are working for. 

    3.  Know Their 'Why': Identify Prime Motivations

    Coping with the bad managers can be stressful but, it better to understand your manager and be able to manage their expectations. What motivate your manager to go out his way to do things he does? He should find the balance of what inspires his manager. When you know what drives your boss (even if your boss may not be fully conscious of it), you can speak to “his listening,” frame your opinions and use language in ways that line up with his core values, concerns, and priorities.

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