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    In 2019, there were an estimated 2.77 billion social media users around the world. Who spent roughly 30 minutes to 1 hour surfing the internet. How can you maximize this opportunity?  People who use social media keep increasing daily- this sharp surge in these numbers is a result of internet penetration globally.

    Most employers have barred their employees from using social media in organizations during working hours or institutionalize a monitoring system to check their usage.

    Employers are worried that social media will distract their workers from meeting their targets. Thus, strict measures are put in place to curtail their social media usage in the work environment - while progressive employers or internet savvy employers are encouraging their employees to embrace social media to accelerate their productivity at work. The world is moving towards a more inclusive globe where a business is happening and deals are close on the internet.

    Surprisingly, there’s growing evidence to suggest that social media can boost efficiency and productivity and improve total work output. Social media is very critical in today’s work environment when used properly.

    There are many ways to increase work output, either by spending more hours on the job or working smart; most people will prefer the latter. This post will take a look at how social media can improve work output and increase productivity.

    1. Take Regular Breaks

    This helps improve your concentration at work, though it sounds counterintuitive. Taking scheduled breaks can revamp your energy on the job. There have been studies to show, taking short breaks during along task helps sustain a level of concentration. Working on long tasks without these intermediate breaks can steadily decline performance in employees due to prolonged concentration. One cause of exhaustion and frustration is endless time given to a particular task, resulting in human error or substandard work. However, if employees are allowed to exercise judgment and take these needed periodic mental breaks away from their work, it can refresh and re-energize them to tackle the rest of the work.

    Social media serves as that 5 minutes distraction from work wherein employees can catch up with friends. This is in no way advocating for people to bring their personal lives into work-which isn’t a bad thing. It’s known as work-life integration and this has proven to work well where employees check work emails from home and vice versa.

    2. Social Media Boost Morale

    Employees expect some level of morale boosters while at the office, social media tends to provide that relief.  Some employees who use social media during office hours have reported a huge morale boost. They enjoyed being trusted, ease up the social media restriction. Show your employees you trust them and they will reward you with greater levels of performance.

    3. Set Self- Imposed Deadlines

    Though, we consider stress as a bad thing. A manageable level of self-imposed stress can be helpful in terms of giving us focus and helping us meet our goals. We can give ourselves deadlines and also try to meet such deadlines then stick to them. Surprisingly, employers are more focused and productive when they’re watching the clock.

    4. Serves As Feedback Tool

    Social media can be used to reach out to your clients to seek feedback from a product or service offered. Most savvy employers used tools to receive feedback, this is great in terms of employee engagement, but regular feedback is a huge motivator of good performance. There has to be a system to be able to quickly access and process feedback, the faster you overcome obstacles and get on with the next job puts you miles ahead of the set target of your company.

     The use of social media can easily reach out for help and information on pressing problems. Dramatically, the increase of the odds of completing or making a progress in the job.

    5. It Strengthens Relationship/ Boost Productivity

    Interestingly, social media has set a new form of correlation that exists between workspace friendship, productivity, and the company’s loyalty.  Having a friend at work can make me feel excited, more engaged, and more productive.  Research has shown, it increases discretionary effort among workers.

    Furthermore, research has revealed 82% of employees believe social media can improve work relationships.  One major purpose of social media is to connect with people and draw resulting in a sense of belonging. When employees feel they are an accepted part of a workplace and that they have meaningful relationships at their organization, they are more inclined to stay and to perform well.

    6. Improve Collaboration

    In a typical work environment, collaboration is one cherished factor to ensure continuity and foster unity among workers. Social media can help improve teamwork by keeping the employers in the circles or groups on one social media platform.  This can strengthen the relationship and bond need to work better for the company, breaking down barriers and making them feel valued. This improved communication and sense of cooperation help to create a collaborative environment, rather than a competitive atmosphere, and it’s been shown that collaboration drives workplace performance.

    7. Making Business Processes More Efficient  

    The way social media has come to aid in the workspace and accelerate business dealing is something never seen before. If you’re an entrepreneur who runs a business online then, this is your chance to maximize social; it gives direct access to a larger audience and market reach. Preferably the usage of these apps is advised – Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can form an online connection with new, prospective, or existing clients which means you can communicate directly with them quickly and easier.

    If your company has a website, then it important it gets a social media presence to increase the visibility of your company and what it does.  For a more professional presence, use LinkedIn and to garner more audience and visitation to websites use – Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You must plan how to utilize these apps to engage customers. Most companies or organizations are using social media to advertise their business or promote instantly, with over 2.77 billion daily social media usage there is a chance you might be charting a new path in the business advertisement circle.  These platforms also provide customer service, inviting followers to raise queries through your available social media channel.  This affords you to chance to reply or respond to them quickly to increase your customer satisfaction


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