Workplace harmony is necessary for achieving a lot of great things together as a team. The composition of a good work team in the work environment can foster unity, peace, and, encourage more collaborative effort in attaining goals for the organization.
A good team is a group of people putting their differences aside, to understand the objective of the company or a business, mutually respecting each other, and allow healthy competition to arrive at a target. Having the right amount of trust, ambition and encouragement is the right recipe to create the bond of togetherness for a good team.
There should be an effort to make proper use of language such as, the use of “we” instead of “I” when there is teamwork involved in a project, so the other team members can feel belong.
Top Five Key Qualities of a Good Team
1. Every Team Member Contributes Their Fair Share
Every team member should contribute their quota by making sure they finish jobs allocated to them so the team can meet the deadline. Committed to working smart and diligently to feel the togetherness of the team and also allow each member to make their unique contribution, thus leads to less conflict because everyone is on a work schedule.
2. Specialization
Team members need to enhance their skills and competency in various roles assigned to them. Everyone in a team has a particular skill that could help speed the effort of the team to reach its goals, others can boast of superior organizational skills while others are great at presenting at decision-makers. Figure out who best fits what role to ensure proper utilization of skills and expertise. Identify team member’s strengths and weaknesses but put more focus on the strengths only so that it keeps their interests alive and feel wanted in the team.
3. Adaptation, Timely, And Effective Communication
Each team member should develop good communication skills to effectively understand and deliver a good performance. A good team will not wait for instructions. They know their task and will start working on it, whether there is a leader presence or not, work will not be hampered. As a member of a collective team, timely delivery of your jobs is very much required.
4. Healthy Competition
A healthy dose of competition is a fuel to inspire other team members to get involved in the challenge. An environment that is skewed heavily as overly positive or negative will result in a dysfunction-to eschew unnecessary competition, team members must allow healthy competition amongst them without holding grudges and see it as a way to accelerate the business growth of the company.
5. Mutual Respect
Knowing each member's accomplishments and work experience plays a vital role in relationship development, serves as a catalyst for a good team. Before a new team begins work on a project, have them meet for an extended time to establish familiarity and to bond.