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    The work environment is made up of people with multiple characters. Personality traits are quite important in gauging the mood of your employees. You also need to know the right time to engage with others at work. Some people have different personalities, values, and attitudes both at work and at home. 

    Moreover, companies hire people with different expectations of their knowledge, skills, and abilities. When people enter an organization, their stable or transient characteristics affect how they behave and perform. Understanding personality traits is the key to predicting behavior and understanding how situations can influence individuals. Let’s take a look at 5 types of workers you should expect in any work environment. 

    1. The Friend

    In most companies, there is someone who is a friend to all. Such a person seeks friendships and belonging. This type of worker enjoys roles and organization with a strong team, has excellent social activities and opportunities in helping others. They are the friend you can rely on in such an environment; always ready to listen, advise, console, and even reprimand if there is a need to.

    They are always motivated to lead a helping hand and support whoever needs it. The presence of such a person in a workplace creates a social network and opportunities for everyone to get along with each other. 

    2. The Troublemaker

    Such a person has a way of making it obvious and shows his/her indignation towards everyone. They have an abysmal attitude towards work. They defy authorities, show no sign of respect to co-workers and often report late for work, do not meet deadlines, and always complain about the job.

    No attempt to take initiative and constantly speaking ill of the company and the other team memebers. They are always in everyone’s business and maligning one party to the other without a just course. Such people are difficult to deal with, there is a need to find a concerted effort to help such characters if they refuse to change after counseling. 

    3. The Advocate

    This person is more concerned about the well-being of the people they work with. They are extremely intuitive and also concerned about the feeling of others.  Like to challenge co-workers to do better and finding ways to help; they motivate and carry on advocacy on the plights of the teams to their superiors. Championing the goals and aspirations of the organization. Always ready to support a good course that will profit the people and ready to stand up for others. 

    4. The Expert

    You are likely to find someone who is more focused and goal-oriented in achieving targets in most organizations. They spent so much time nurturing their skills and competency on the job till they become an expert in a special field of the job. They seek knowledge, mastery, and specialization of the specific roles of their job and also ready to learn from others. They are motivated by the work environment where personal and professional development is encouraged. Their motivational drive is to see the training and coaching or mentoring which is probably linked to job promotions.

    Such a character like to be a mentor or a guide to others in becoming something great as their way of contributing to sharing expertise and other relevant areas of interest. 

    5. The Mediator

    There are going to be misunderstandings - a difference in opinions and interpersonal conflicts in any work environment. The mediator is more interested in serving humanity and concerned with personal growth than rewards. In every misunderstanding; we need a confliction-resolution expert to handle the situation and play a neutral role. The mediators are adaptable, laid-back, and loyal to their course in achieving harmony and peace in the workspace.

    They are motivated to find alternative solutions in every scenario which is in the interest of the parties involved. Their effort to establish a calm and cordial working environment is what makes them who they’re.

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