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    Interview anxiety can be a serious obstacle for job seekers specially if you have been job hunting for so long. Meeting strangers in a position of authority to talk about yourself, demeanor, and ability to sell yourself, and being evaluated and judged on your appearance can trigger certain social anxieties.   

    Sometimes, feeling stressed or anxious about an important interview is just a sign that you want to do well. Your anxiety can motivate you to be better prepared, provide you the needed energy, and keep you alert during the process.  

    However, there are also strategies that you can use to help alleviate your anxiety before an interview. Here are quick tips for controlling your anxiety and maybe even taking advantage of it.

    1. Breathe

    When you’re anxious, your breathing is shallow. Try breathing in for a count of four, hold for two, and breathe out for a count of four. Do this for a minute or two. You can usually practice breathing anywhere (like the waiting area before your interview); no one will likely notice it. Try taking a few minutes to sit and breathe calmly.

    2. Be Prepared

    Preparation is the best way to overcome interview nerves, along with remembering that a certain amount of anxiety in a stressful situation is healthy. A bit of nervousness and anticipation may make you sharper and help you perform better.

    If you do your homework well, preparation will lead to more confidence and confidence puts you in command and can even make you look forward to the interview.

    3. Be careful of what you eat or drink before the interview

    It probably goes without saying, but avoid caffeine before the interview. It's also never a good idea to have an alcoholic drink or eat something that will upset your stomach before an interview, even if you think it will “relax” you. Eat something light before your interview so your stomach isn't growling or you get light-headed. A heavy meal can make you tired, so eat moderately.

    4. Practice self-compassion

    Focus on these words: Wisdom, Strength, and Warmth. Non-judgment. Repeat them to yourself while you breathe. Try not to critique yourself as you go through the process. Don't say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to a friend.

    5. Don’t Give in to desperation

    No matter how desperately you want the job, remember that it’s just one opportunity. Your entire future is not dependent on landing this particular job. You don’t even know that much about the position yet. Sure, it looks good on paper, but it’s not your only option. Always remember, no matter what happens, this interview will be a learning experience that will make you a better job candidate and a better professional in the long run.


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