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    Team building within an organization establishes great communication between the team members. The effort a team leader puts in to create such a harmonious working environment is to make sure employees feel a sense of belonging within the company. A company that has built a strong team, will have employees feel a sense of loyalty and belonging. A well-motivated team is inspired to reach out for greatness; such a team is capable of driving bright innovation to aid interaction and encourage cooperation between employees.

    Working as a team in an organization is an inevitable part of the job, greater emphasis is placed on the value obtained as a result of a team playing within an organization. Organizational leaders have recognized the benefits of having employees work in formal or informal teams, the relationship and trust built within that period are most cherished which helps an organization to achieve its goals.

    Rewarding your employees is another way of motivating them to give out their best, sometimes money is a great incentive tool in pursuing that agenda. A motivated team does a great job, meets deadlines, and makes sure all impending jobs are done. There is a study to show, employee motivation has a positive impact on productivity.

    The art of fostering a strong team-building and keeping the team motivated requires a conscious effort by the organization, making sure unity exists between the workers. Let’s look at what employers and team leaders should do to master the art of team building and motivation to retain their employees:-

    1. Build Trust and the end benefits


    One of the strongest foundations of any business is trust, trust should be a cornerstone of your trade. It is one tool every effective team must have for the organization they work for. It’s such a good thing to make your employees have such an amount of confidence of trust in your establishment; a great team needs to develop a point where every member trusts that every other member will do the work as instructed.  Without trust, it is just a collection of individuals working together, thus, in the company’s effort to establish a formidable team, trust should be a focal point in all their deliberations.

    No company exists without a goal, and making sure to achieve these goals depends on how the employees are motivated to give out.  The foundation should be set to clearly define what they stand to benefit as well as the company. As an employer, it’s your job to present the benefits of working hard as a team.  And, a particular team will be promoted to the executive team in the company which will bring them closer to more compensation and responsibilities in the company.

    2. Encourage Cooperation not Competition


    Though, you might be placed in teams with other co-workers competing for higher next promotion. You must find ways to collaborate with every team member to enable the company to achieve its goals.  You don’t have to be tagged as the “not being a team player” kind of person in the organization, that label could make your stay or job so uncomfortable. You might have personal accomplishments but without your cooperation, your team may not succeed.


    Competition is the single most effective way to motivate a team or individual without money. Bragging rights incentivize and fuel the fire required to outperform the competition, you can have healthy competitions between individuals or even between teams just to push the agenda of the company.

    3. Focus on Professionalism


    The reality of life is that we all have certain types of personalities that clash with our own but for teams to work for you. You have to put aside these petty differences and focus on the positive aspects of all team members. Remember that you are not forging lifelong friendships with your team, you simply need to work together to achieve your goals.

    5. Share the Work/Do the Work


    The best teams are those in which each member plays a vital part in the work that results in superior performance; thus it is imperative that each member not only feels he or she plays a vital role but does so. But sharing the work is only part of the equation. The other part is that, once the work has been assigned each team member must be accountable to complete the tasks.

    6. Foster Open Communications

    The best teams are those in which every member shares their thoughts and opinions with the group and where decision-making is based on dialogue and not a dictatorship. But open communication is not just about having an atmosphere in which people can talk freely -it's also about team members listening to each other and valuing each other's opinions. If your team lacks open communications bring it up at your next team meeting.



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