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    It’s every job seeker’s desire is to land that job at first attempt but, they’re many obstructions to get such an opportunity.  Your preparation and good educational qualification are the most necessary requisite to draft a great CV and a cover letter to sell yourself but if luck or your search technicalities alludes to you – you’ll probably spend an entire year or more scavenging for jobs without knowing the right technique of how to search or place yourself in a position for when the job comes.

    Circumstances or situations are reasons why people set out to search for a job. To meet their needs of life or feed their families. With such a fast-moving pace of events especially on the job market; you have to change your search variable to adjust as it changes over-time and how to strategically position yourself for these opportunities. The question which should linger on every job seeker’s mind is, what is the best approach to search for a job? Regardless of your reason, one must equipped himself or herself especially in this ever moving space of job scarcity.   

    Job search is a cumbersome task, the fear of leaving school without getting a job looks scarier but there’s a glimpse of hope if you don’t relent in your effort to search with the right process. Your chance of getting that job isn’t beyond your grasp. Though, the specifics of what you are looking for will defer base on your job search personality, qualification, and the job market.

    As a young vibrant job seeker, you’ve to see the world as an opportunity for you to do something which can benefit you and the world as a whole but to find this opportunity, you must stand out from the pack. If you tried the conventional routes of job searches but gain nothing except frustration then you’ll realize that the job search itself is a job! And must be approached as such. So in this article, we’ll  list six (6) actionable step for the job search process and when you implement this in your next job search, you might get that word of relief “Congratulation you’ve been offered an appointment“   

    1. Know what you want

    You have to know what you are looking for and be specific in your definition of what you are looking for in a job. Employers look for candidates who know what they want from a career and for those who make the ambiguity out of themselves. You must find your niche and define it well.

    2. Create a great CV

    A professional CV and cover letter that clearly define your strength and states your goals are very important. A clear CV format is a must. Your cover letter and CV are your chance to sell yourself and which is your first step in branding yourself as a product. If your CV cannot contains all the information you have then the cover letter should accurately capture more details about you and what set you apart from the others.


    3. Market yourself through networking

    Remember, you are advertising yourself as product and want as much exposure in the market as you can achieve. LinkedIn is a great site for connecting to your target group. But you must be selective; your Facebook friends are not your target market. You must surround yourself and create a professional presence based on professionals with similar interests, impressive goals and achievements. Also, look at every new meeting as an opportunity to sell yourself. Do not be afraid to ask for advice; you never know who may become a lead or reference in your search for a job.

    4. Add a personal touch

    A simple “thank you” allows you to stand out from other job seekers. Don’t just thank someone after an interview; a simple email thanking someone for becoming a new connection is the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself. Always attach your cover letter and CV. If the connection is not a possible employer, take the opportunity to ask for advice and, again, attach your CV. You’re a representation of the product and the more people who see you, the better.

    5. Perceive yourself as a business

    To market the brand you must treat it as a business. You should spend 20-40 hours per week on networking, applications, and interviews to achieve your goal; employment in a position that allows growth and opportunity.

    6. Be patient

    It is also very emotional and you can expect highs and lows in this pursuit. But as long as you stick with your business plan and very optimistic, you will achieve your goal. As the saying goes “patience moves mountains”. You must endure the waiting period- while at that, take the opportunity to learn new skills or add more value to yourself


     So what are you doing about your job search process? Are you committing the time it requires? If you believe you will get a job, but don’t believe it will be something you want, you will appear very anxious, frustrated. A confident job seeker is someone who is energized at the prospect of finding his or her dream job. A confident job seeker may not be an expert on curriculum vitae, interviews, or other job search tactics, but he or she has an innate knowledge that he or she will be able to figure those things out.

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