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    Employees thought process is a complex area, given the chance, any Human Resource Manager will like to have a sneak-peek into to understand employees much better. The work environment is an assembly of different people with different thought processes and, getting to understand how your employees think are ways to help you to address issues that may escape you as HR during regular or annual meetings. Employee engagement is very high on every HR desk and business owner. These are part of the many ways to determine which employee is worth retaining or laying off. And, also to reduce turnover and increase productivity. The current system of employees has a peculiar way of thinking, they want to forge their way and establish some kind of idiosyncratic employment arrangement with their employers or the business owners.


    Job security is one of the greatest contributing factors most employees consider when deciding to stay or leave a job. In recent times job security has rapidly decreased in some companies. However, one of the major options of employee retainability is the organization’s unbridled effort to secure their employees the best job security there’s in any country of their operation.  Employees want their employers to understand the condition under which they can remain engaged at work and increase productivity is the promise of good job security.


    When employees don’t feel secure in their job, this can increase stress and negative emotions to impact their job performance.  A study has shown a relationship between job insecurity and performance and it was found to increase feelings of job insecurity correspond with the low level of job performance. Though the research was not straightforward of how an increased feeling of job insecurity results in decreased performance. One certain thing was, increase feelings of job security can lead to a few work-related positive feelings. Which is a very critical component of work engagement.


    Every employee likes their effort to be appreciated, showing your employees appreciation can give you an insight into how they think. Small surprises and tokens of appreciation spread positively among employees and this can influence their thought process. Let your employees feel free and let them know how much you value them and their contributions any day.  Make the employees know much you cherish their effort is a great motivator that can drive productivity. 


    You can do so, in one of your regular meetings by highlighting the benefit of one of your employee’s recent projects in a nice way to recognize the employee publicly and remind them that, their work is highly valued and appreciated.


    Without trust, there’s bound to be a deep-seated dislike for one another in the work environment. Employees perceive a lack of trust can spell doom for your organization and, the thinking that goes behind this level of trust issues is quite worrying. Trust serves as the foundation for healthy relationships, including those at the workplace, employee retention and employee motivation, and contribution of discretionary energy, the extra effort that people voluntarily invest in their work.

    Recognition is another way to break the science of what goes through the mind of your employee. It serves as a powerful motivational tool that when used accurately, can propel employee development and company growth. It is important to recognize all employees for their hard work, especially if they all meet the same criteria. Singling out just a few employees when others also deserve recognition can create low morale.


    If you care about what your employees think, then you must consider giving them feedback about their jobs or projects done within the organization. Feedback is an important communication tool in a healthy work environment. It helps the company by improving processes and shows employees that you care about their careers.



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